shybigsub9 Profiloplysninger

Need to please and be controlled
Kvinde (Sub) Søger en Mand
Alder 47 Fra Fredericksburg, Virginia
Online - Over 2 uger siden
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Grundlæggende oplysninger

    Jeg taler: Engelsk
    Jeg beskriver mig selv som: Not a hookup or into married men

    I am not only submissive in the bedroom, but also enjoy serving and pleasing a Dominant outside of the bedroom. I enjoy taking care of Him including house chores, bathing, cooking, and waiting on Him. I can also maybe help with business and secretarial duties, should those be needed. I also want to be His friend, and have a relationship as much as a dynamic. I hope to learn who you are, enjoy your hobbies with you, and adventure into sexual pleasures that expand our senses.

    Trust and respect are earned before submission and obedience are given.

    I am an all natural, heterosexual woman. I don’t color my hair, I don’t have fake nails, and don’t wear a lot of makeup. All of those things are negotiable, if they are important to you. I am low maintenance, easy to please, and the valuable resources I need from a Dominant are his time and his touch.

    I am looking for a long-term relationship, within a reasonable driving distance. Preferably under 90 minutes each way. I am not interested in one-night stands, hookups, sessions, scenes, casual sex, or any form of short-term relationship.

    I'm looking for a Dom who I can serve with pleasure and be cared for in return. PE with the possibility to TPE. I'm an obese woman and willing to work on being who you envision, but must be patient and accepting of who I am currently.

    My ideal relationship with a Dominant is to start a long-term relationship, living close by but not living together; monogamous; no married men. As our relationship builds, we can work toward staying one night a week at each other’s places and build up from there, but he must be patient with me learning how to share my space. Although I may be submissive, I’m independent. I want to work toward a TPE, but that will take time, trust, patience, and training.
    Underskriv: Skytten

Udseende & Situation

    Min kropstype er: Kraftig
    Min højde er: 175 cm
    Mine øjne er: Brun
    Min etnicitet er: Kaukasisk
    Min civilstand er: Aldrig gift
    Jeg har børn: Nej
    Jeg vil have børn: Nej
    Mit bedste karaktertræk er: Øjne
    Kropsudsmykning: Piercet... Men kun øre(r)
    Mit hår er: Brun
    Jeg har en eller flere af disse: Kat
    Villig til at flytte: Ja


    Mit uddannelsesniveau er: Universitetsuddannet
    Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er: Fuldtid
    Mit speciale er: Administration / ledelse
    Min jobtitel er: Analyst
    Jeg tjener så meget på et år: Fra $30.000 til $44.999USD
    Jeg bor: Med værelseskammerat(er)
    Hjemme: Nogle gange er det vildt
    Jeg er ryger: Nej
    Jeg drikker: Ja - en eller to


    I gymnasiet var jeg: Hjerne
    Min sociale opførsel er: Reserveret, Genert, Observerende, Asocial, Venlig, Komisk
    Mine interesser og hobbier er: Spise til middag, Læsning, Kunst og håndværk, Læring, Musik, Tv, Film, Internet, Spil, Gå på diskotek / barer, Dans, Teater, Rejser, Madlavning, Kortspil, Camping, Gambling, Computer
    Min idé om at have det sjovt er: Være sammen med venner, Shoppe, Være hjemme, Prøve noget nyt, I biografen, Afslappende, Sove, Diskotek / barer, Drikke, Læse en bog, Gå på casino, Klæde sig ud, Spille computerspil, Tv, Tage til koncert, Gå på museum
    En ideel første date ville være: Have a man talk me through cooking his dinner so that we both learn how he likes to train, his patience if mistakes are made, and how well I can learn. Once "we" are done cooking, eating a quiet meal outside on a deck/patio and discuss what expectations were met or not met during cooking...then maybe if things go well...he can ask me over again for a second date ;-)
    Jeg har altid villet prøve: Going to a BDSM club.
    Mine venner beskriver mig som: Venlig


    Min religion er: Agnostiker
    Jeg deltager i tjenester: Aldrig
    Mit mål i livet er: To make the people I love happy, including myself, of course!
    Min form for humor er: Snu, Tør / sarkastisk, Venlig, Fjollet, Fræk, Sadistisk


    I tv ser jeg altid: Dokumentarer, Dramaer, Sitcoms, Gør-det-selv, Film, Jeg bryder mig ikke om tv, Reality Shows, Genudsendelser
    Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en: Handling, Comedy, Romantik, Drama, Familie
    Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til: Land, Rap, Rock, Metal, Pop, Blues, New age, Ambient, Dance, Gospel, Punk
    Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid: Biografi, Business, Klassisk, Computer, Fiktion, Sundhed, Historie, Humor, Mystik, Filosofi, Opslag, Romantik, Erotik
    Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er: Anything you desire....but i prefer movies, dancing, music, and books.

Leder efter

    Hvad finder du attraktivt?: Morsom, Magt, Skaldethed, Følsomhed, Empati, Dygtighed, Humor, Omtanke, Intelligens
    Hvad leder du efter?: I am looking for other submissive friends and Dom who understand the lifestyle I enjoy living and respect the bounds agreed upon.
    Hvilken type forhold leder du efter?: Internetven, Ven, Dato, Intim, Forpligtet, Giftemål, Domination, Jeg vil bare have sex
